mASCot Hub
mASCot is based at the South Portslade Family Hub, as well as some of us working from home, this is where we are busy working behind the scenes running mASCot.
As well as our office we have a big event room opening up to a lovely activity garden.
The Family is based in Portslade Library, where their Librarian has created a wonderful Autism friendly environment with a wealth of Autism resources to read or borrow.
Contact us
If there is anything you wish to contact mASCot about whether it's a question, comment, suggestion or just general feedback then please contact us at any time.
We Currently work Tuesdays & Fridays from the Centre (appointment only), Team mASCot work from Home the rest of the week.
All our projects are for members only, so if you wish to become a mASCot member the please click here.
Portslade Library
Here are the details of Portslade Library, if you wish to join the library to get your library extra card then please contact the library for details.
Monday - 9am to 7pm (Libraries Extra)
Tuesday - 9am to 5pm
Wednesday - 9am to 5pm
Thursday - 9am to 7pm (Libraries Extra)
Friday - 9am to 5pm
Saturday - 9.30am to 5pm
Sunday - 11am to 5pm (Libraries Extra)
On staffed days the library will switch to Libraries Extra between 1 - 2 pm for lunch cover.
01273 290800
Portslade Library, Old Shoreham Road, Portslade, BN41 1XR