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Coffee Mornings

Next meet up: 

Emmaus Coffee Shop 
TBA 2024 

Our Coffee Morning have always been a big part of mASCot so come and join us for a coffee and a chat, its always good to see new faces and for you to meet fellow mASCot members.

We will start at either 10am-12pm or 12pm-2pm so come along and join us. 

We meet at the Emmaus Coffee Shop Portslade  or The Gardeners Cafe Brighton


"I love days when my only problem is choosing 

tea or coffee"

-all of us 

You can get to Emmaus on the 1 & 1A bus route heading to

Mile Oak, stopping at St Nicolas Church and walking up Manor Road.

Any bus to Churchill Square for Gardeners Cafe.


Coffee Shop,


Drove Road,



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